JULY, 2020

Updates Regarding the 2020-21 Season
Quidditch Canada has spent the last several months exploring what a return to quidditch will look like in the 2020-21 season. After careful deliberation, in consultation with our members, with public health experts, and with other amateur sports organizations across Canada, Quidditch Canada has made the decision not to hold any Major Events in the 2020-21 season. This unfortunately includes the traditional Fall Regional Championships, as well as the National Championship, which is typically held in March.
This decision was made as part of our continued commitment to prioritize the safety of our members and broader community. Simply put, it was determined that there is currently no safe way to mitigate risks at inter-provincial events with a large number of attendees. At this point, we are not ruling out the possibility of a winter or spring regional championship, though we acknowledge that the possibility for inter-provincial competition will depend heavily on the regional restrictions in place in 2021. Quidditch Canada has also decided to re-award the City of Edmonton the 2022 National Championship bid.
In light of this decision, Quidditch Canada is preparing for an altered 2020-21 season structure, with an emphasis on provincial play and community outreach. As part of this revised season structure, Quidditch Canada has been working on the following resources:
- We are excited to release our “Return to Quidditch” framework, which outlines how and when play should resume across the country, to ensure it is safe for players, their families, and volunteers. More information can be found on our COVID-19 Information page.
- Currently in development, we are preparing an engaged virtual programming option which will be available in the Fall 2020. This program is being designed around the philosophy “Anyone can be a quidditch player.” Any individual, at any age, will be able to participate in our programming and engage in quidditch, whether they are a seasoned veteran, brand new to our sport, part of a large program, or are unaffiliated with a team.
- We are restructuring our fees to ensure membership options are accessible, while also providing members with valuable benefits, and insurance coverage.
- As part of our emphasis on local outreach and community-based events, Quidditch Canada will be offering grants to member clubs and individuals looking to host local quidditch events in regions where it is safe to do so over the course of the 2020-21 season. Learn more about our outreach events here.
While we are disappointed to not be able to offer our members these regional events, we are also excited for the opportunities this season brings to strengthen and grow our community. To learn more about why this decision was made, please visit our 2020-21 Season FAQ page.