AUGUST, 2021

Return to Quidditch Guidelines Revised for the 2021-22 Season
In preparation for a return to quidditch in the 2021-22 season, Quidditch Canada has prepared a fulsome Return to Sport framework, inclusive of newly revised parameters and procedures to support team administrators in bringing our athletes back to in-person play.
New to our 2021-22 Return to Quidditch guidelines, individual team programs will be assigned a phase of play, in lieu of assigning a phase of play to an entire province. This is to account for context and information impacting individual teams and their local communities (whether those communities be cities or schools), which may not necessarily align with the context of an entire province.
Notable as well is the development of our COVID-19 Vaccine Policy, which outlines that vaccination verification will be required for all registered individuals participating in any inter-team programming, including volunteers, team coaches, team administrators, and officials. The decision to implement this policy was made after extensive consultation with our membership, as well as ongoing dialogue with public health experts based in Canada. The decision was further informed by community partners, including event hosts and schools, many of whom have recently announced comparable policies.
For more information regarding our Return to Play guidelines, including Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Guidelines and our new COVID-19 policy, please visit our standing COVID-19 page, at www.quidditchcanada.com/covid-19, or email covid19@quidditchcanada.com.
Quidditch Canada and its activities are not licensed by, sponsored by, or associated with Warner Bros., J.K. Rowling, or their affiliates. ‘Quidditch,’ ‘Harry Potter’ and all related names, characters, and indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. – Harry Potter publishing rights © J.K. Rowling.
© 2021 Quidditch Canada
Charitable Registration Number: 820553188RR0001