MAY, 2022

2022 Quidditch Canada Event Bid Finalists Announced
Quidditch Canada is excited to announce the bid finalists for its 2022-23 events.
In previous years, Quidditch Canada has traditionally hosted three major events per season: two Regional Championships in the East and West, and one National Championship. In March 2020, we regretfully cancelled our National Championship as a result of the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to our global community. In the 2021-22, our return-to-quidditch season, Quidditch Canada hosted three divisional events, designed to enable teams to focus exclusively on returning to play, in lieu of having to focus on the logistics of event planning while still in the midst of the pandemic. We received extensive positive feedback on these divisional events from members. We also heard from members that many teams are still recovering from the impacts of the pandemic, and that cross-country travel is like to be a prohibitive factor for the majority of our teams in the 2022-23 year.
In light of that feedback, Quidditch Canada elected to structure its 2022-23 season building on the successes of the previous year, with a further emphasis on local events and sustainable team programming. The upcoming season will therefore see Quidditch Canada hosting three divisional events, and two regional events, for a total of five major events.
Our city finalists listed below will move on to the site visit stage of our bid evaluation process. Bid winners will be announced no later than July 18, 2022.
- Cornwall, ON
- Barrie, ON
- Toronto, ON
- Vancouver, BC
- Cornwall, ON
- Oshawa, ON
- Edmonton, AB
Learn more about our bidding process by visiting the event bidding page, or contact our Membership and Events Director, Alex Downey-Ging at alex.downey-ging@quidditchcanada.com.