Our Department Directors oversee the various departments that make Quidditch Canada’s operations possible. Learn more about them below.

Yara Kodershah
Executive Director
Contact me
Yara Kodershah joined the quidditch community in 2013. As Executive Director, she is responsible for executing Quidditch Canada’s strategic plan and vision, as set forth by the Board of Directors. She holds a Master of Education from the University of Toronto, and has over five years of experience holding various human resources, equity building, and communication roles in both for-profit and non-profit capacities.

Alex Downey-Ging
Membership Director
Contact me

Soleil Heaney
Events Director
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Soleil joined the quidditch community in 2015 as a player for UVic Valkyries Quidditch Club. Since joining the community, she served as the treasurer for UVic Quidditch, the President for Edmonton Aurors and President for Vanguard Quidditch. They have been volunteering as an events coordinator for Quidditch Canada since 2020. Professionally, she is the Senior Coordinator of Membership Engagement for BC Soccer and is excited to use this experience to better the organization of Quidditch Canada.

Kyle Ross
Gameplay Director
Contact me
Kyle Ross first joined the Quidditch community in 2014 as a player for the Queen’s Quidditch Club. Since joining the team, he has served as Captain for a total of 3 years, as well as a Head Referee. Additionally, Kyle has also been a Gameplay Coordinator with Quidditch Canada since 2017 and a member of the IQA 2018-2020 rulebook team. Currently he is a Masters student in Computer Engineering at Queen’s University with degrees in chemical engineering and computer science.
Photo by MWPhotography
Our programs and services would not be possible without our volunteers! Interested in volunteering with us? Learn more about available opportunities here.
Our directors oversee Quidditch Canada’s strategic planning and long term development. Contact them at
Alex Naftel
David Danos
Eduardo Arraes
Emily Naftel
Alexandra Fleck
Isaac Qi
Scott Rousseau
Get in touch.
Interested in shaping the future of quidditch in Canada? Contact us to join our team.
Quadball Canada was created July 1st 2014 to lead, promote and advance the sport of quadball in Canada.
Quadball Canada and its activities are not licensed by, sponsored by, or associated with Warner Bros., J.K. Rowling, or their affiliates. ‘Quidditch,’ ‘Harry Potter’ and all related names, characters, and indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. – Harry Potter publishing rights © J.K. Rowling.
© 2023 Quadball Canada
Charitable Registration Number: 820553188RR0001