Quidditch Canada 2017-18 Bidding Process Opens

Quidditch Canada 2017-18 Bidding Process Opens

31 JANUARY, 2017 News FollowFollowFollow Quidditch Canada 2017-18 Bidding Process Opens Quidditch Canada is excited to announce the start of the bid process for major tournaments for the 2017-18 season. Quidditch Canada is in the midst of its third successful season....
Quidditch Canada Hires a new Communications Director

Quidditch Canada Hires a new Communications Director

13 JANUARY, 2017 News FollowFollowFollow Quidditch Canada Hires a new Communications Director [bctt tweet=”Quidditch Canada Hires a new Communications Director” username=”quidditchCanada”] Yara Kodershah – Communications Director...
Regionals Recap

Regionals Recap

21 NOVEMBER, 2016 News FollowFollowFollow Regionals Recap On November 12th-13th teams across the country gathered together for Quidditch Canada’s third Eastern and Western Regional Championships, in Mississauga, ON, and Surrey, BC, respectively. Featuring a busy...
Quidditch Canada Releases Refreshed Website

Quidditch Canada Releases Refreshed Website

16 NOVEMBER, 2016 News FollowFollowFollow Quidditch Canada Releases Refreshed Website Quidditch Canada is revealing its newly refreshed website today. Our new website has been built from the ground up. The new quidditchcanada.com will act as a warm welcome to those...
Quidditch Canada Regionals to be Livestreamed

Quidditch Canada Regionals to be Livestreamed

07 NOVEMBER, 2016 News FollowFollowFollow Quidditch Canada Regionals to be Livestreamed Quidditch Canada is excited to announce that for the first time ever, quidditch will be livestreamed in Canada. Quidditch Canada will be working with SportsCanada.TV to broadcast...